What is a Wireframe? This UX Design Tutorial Will Show You.

By freeCodeCamp.org - 2020-09-04


The first step to designing a website: wireframe it. A good wireframe can give you the vision for the entire layout and functionality of your website. It can also serve as the first stage of a design. ...


  • If you are considering building a website, you can do a wireframe quickly and easily.
  • We are going to create a wireframe and show how it allows for a quick, iterative design process.
  • In our example, we will create a simple sitemap which will contain just the Home Page, Features Page, and Contact Us page.
  • Adding wireframe components and reusing them on different pages Step #5:



  1. UX (0.31)
  2. Management (0.1)
  3. NLP (0.06)

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