Design Thinking Phase 4 - Everything you Need to Know About Prototyping

By workshopper - 2020-12-15


Prototyping - it's arguably the most exciting phase in design thinking. It's where the ideas meld together and a sample model is created to detail the components of the final product. With so many pro ...


  • Prototyping - it's arguably the most exciting phase in design thinking.
  • The feedback from users is crucial and often shows flaws in the prototype which can then be reworked for a stronger final product.
  • Cons of high-fidelity prototypes ‍ They take longer to produce Because of the realistic aspects - users will be more prone to asking questions about characteristics that you don’t need observing as they won’t be in the final product (e.g color) After spending so much time on the prototype, designers tend to want to not implement changes that users mention due to a lack of time.
  • Eight common ways to prototype Sketches and Diagrams ‍ Any sketch, even the absolute messiest can create a wonderful low-fidelity prototype.



  1. UX (0.5)
  2. Management (0.21)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.05)

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