Feature Prioritizing: Ways To Reduce Subjectivity And Bias

By Smashing Magazine - 2020-12-22


When you’re working on a new project, what is more crucial than choosing the right features to develop? However, the exercise often turns into a spectacle of team voting. As a result, decisions change ...


  • Smashing Newsletter When you’re working on a new project, what is more crucial than choosing the right features to develop?
  • And as a facilitator, you’re eager to bring the strongest opinions to light, which becomes problematic when an expert’s voice weighs the same as a non-expert’s.
  • StrengthsClarity in selection criteria makes for easier agreement, less subjectivity, and less time spent on discussions.
  • When you work with such a canvas, beware of traffic-light color-coding.



  1. Management (0.45)
  2. UX (0.18)
  3. NLP (0.04)

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