Organisational Design - How Titles Can Make a Difference

By CTO Craft - 2021-01-20


Andreas Wolff, CTO of healthcare technology company, Pando discusses how titles can aid communication and benefit your organisation.


  • Organisational Design – How Titles Can Make a Difference When talking about job titles, we often dismiss them as insignificant.
  • Understanding titles as a means of communication is compelling if the same mechanics are applied on a company-wide level.
  • Building blocks A system of clear, cohesive, non-overlapping titles and role definitions is an organisational designer’s blueprint – anyone setting up teams will need this.
  • Job specs Unfortunately, many job specs show a remarkable discrepancy between what they sell potential candidates and the reality of a job.



  1. Management (0.33)
  2. NLP (0.1)
  3. UX (0.07)

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