AWS digs into its new machine learning industrial products

By SearchEnterpriseAI - 2020-12-22


AWS has released new machine learning industrial products and services to help users predict when their machines will fail. Amazon's general manager of machine learning and AI discusses the new tools ...


  • If you look into the industrial space, around 82% of companies over the last three years experienced some form of unplanned downtime, and 70% of them are not fully aware when their equipment is due for maintenance or upgrade or replacement.
  • It takes a few days of measurements to establish what normal behavior is, and then the user can use the app to provide feedback, whether maybe load change on a day is expected or unexpected, and the machine learning model learns from that.
  • But you don't have to be a data scientist to do it.
  • But right now, we've got version one of a sensor, so you can definitely anticipate multiple versions of it with more kinds of modalities.



  1. Backend (0.48)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.24)
  3. Database (0.14)

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