When Should a Machine Learning Model Be Retrained?

By datasciencecentral - 2020-12-22


A few years ago, it was extremely uncommon to retrain a machine learning model with new observations systematically. This was mostly because the model retrain…


  • MLOps solutions have brought about this change with easy access to automation around model retraining, and often the most straightforward approach to trigger retraining is schedule-based.
  • The most basic, fundamental reason for model retraining is that the outside world that is being predicted keeps changing, and consequently the underlying data changes, causing model drift.
  • When there is high variance in the model performance, it makes sense to retrain a model with a training dataset that includes new observations and increases its size.



  1. Backend (0.23)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.19)
  3. NLP (0.13)

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