Machine Learning: How it is Transforming the Education Sector

By datasciencecentral - 2020-12-22


The continued evolution of technology has changed our lives in more profound ways than we’d ever been able to imagine. Think about it — we no longer have to wa…


  • How it is Transforming the Education Sector The continued evolution of technology has changed our lives in more profound ways than we’d ever been able to imagine.
  • And not only that, machine learning and artificial intelligence have now come to play a crucial role in enabling the customization of teaching material and courses to help enhance the process's effectiveness.
  • Thankfully, ML and AI can help with that — allowing content to be visualized, generating voices to read out text, etc.
  • There has been an increased focus on fair and consistent assessment processes.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.54)
  2. Backend (0.21)
  3. NLP (0.14)

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