Spring Microservices into Production with Kubernetes and GitOps

By Confluent - 2020-12-22


Microservice architectures continue to grow within engineering organizations as teams strive to increase development velocity. Microservices promote the idea of modularity as a first-class citizen in ...


  • Spring Your Microservices into Production with Kubernetes and GitOps Microservice architectures continue to grow within engineering organizations as teams strive to increase development velocity.
  • 18894 And in the application.properties file (which contains the Spring for Apache Kafka relevant configurations), we modify the Kafka Streams application ID to the value configured by the Confluent Cloud ACL declarations: First, let’s evaluate a helper command that we can run to verify the difference in the declared versions of the orders-service in each environment.
  • With GitOps, you can help limit deployment complexities and empower critical capabilities like rollbacks.



  1. Backend (0.22)
  2. Management (0.21)
  3. NLP (0.04)

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