Is There a Scientific Formula For Start-up Success?

By INSEAD Knowledge - 2020-12-14


Founders make fewer mistakes and pivot in the right direction when they learn to challenge their own assumptions and experiment continuously.


  • Over the course of the four-month training and for 10 months after, we conducted a total of 16 phone interviews (observations) with each start-up.
  • How to (thoroughly) test an idea One start-up in our treatment group illustrates how the scientific approach can improve entrepreneurial decision making.
  • The three co-founders of the start-up, a scooter-sharing service called MiMoto, originally planned to offer sturdy electric scooters for rent to college students in Milan, based on their own experience commuting to school and study trips to San Francisco, Mexico City and Barcelona.



  1. Management (0.23)
  2. Backend (0.14)
  3. NLP (0.11)

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