5 Micro-Aggressions That Break Synergy in Agile Teams

By The Agile Times - 2016-01-19


It is in every team-member's best interests to keep the synergy in agile teams at a Performing level in order to carry out the tasks and deliverables required by the project stakeholders. But as one o ...


  • As we’ve revealed in a previous article How To Recognize Team Synergy in Agile Teams, a team builds up its stages of forming, storming, norming and performing over time.
  • With that we’ve identified some common Micro-Aggressions that can easily destroy the team dynamic that took so much time to build up.
  • An example of what can be said in this type of situation is “who would have thought you’d make it to the Senior Director position after just being a Manager.” Reading up or talking about the topic in the workplace may be a good first start to identifying the appropriate types of dialog to have around teams with diverse backgrounds.



  1. Management (0.41)
  2. NLP (0.08)
  3. Mobile (0.03)

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