How to install Infection Monkey for breach and attack simulations on your network

By TechRepublic - 2021-02-04


Have you tested your network using a breach and attack simulator? If not, Jack Wallen shows you how with Infection Monkey.


  • Your business probably uses quite a large number of systems on your network and you are probably the administrator who maintains those systems.
  • In the resulting window, select the type of machine you'll be testing (Figure D).
  • Copy that command and then paste it into a terminal on the machine to be tested.
  • How to install Infection Monkey for breach and attack simulations on your network By Jack Wallen Jack Wallen is an award-winning writer for TechRepublic, The New Stack, and Linux New Media.



  1. Backend (0.29)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.26)
  3. Security (0.17)

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