The Hidden Cost of Machine Learning

By Medium - 2020-12-08


From powering self-driving cars at companies like Tesla to beating up on professionals and some of the world’s most challenging games, machine learning is making its way into software applications…


  • Taking a Closer Look at Technical Debt From powering self-driving cars at companies like Tesla to beating up on professionals and some of the world’s most challenging games, machine learning is making its way into software applications across every industry.
  • There are lots of input signals we could use to collect and feed into this model, including information about the user account such as age, gender, address, e.t.c, and information from the shopping cart such as the history of the items that were added and removed.
  • Just like that, we have started to break down that strong isolation between the two different modules from earlier.
  • The second input signal might be the output of another machine learning model that is predicting whether or not this particular user is a voracious reader or not.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.42)
  2. Backend (0.25)
  3. NLP (0.17)

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