7 models on HuggingFace you probably didn’t know existed

By Medium - 2021-02-19


HugginFace has been on top of every NLP(Natural Language Processing) practitioners mind with their transformers and datasets libraries. In 2020, we saw some major upgrades in both these libraries…


  • Let’s explore some unconventional NLP models and architectures HugginFace has been on top of every NLP(Natural Language Processing) practitioners mind with their transformers and datasets libraries.
  • This demo notebook walks through an end-to-end usage example.
  • It’s open-sourced by facebook and the pretrained models available here are trained on google’s Natural Questions dataset.
  • Training on any custom dataset is also straightforward when using the datasets library, and could be done by adding a faiss index to a dataset.



  1. NLP (0.23)
  2. Backend (0.03)
  3. Security (0.02)

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