By The New Stack -
This post is part of an ongoing series from CNCF Business Value Subcommittee co-chairs Catherine Paganini and Jason Morgan that focuses on explaining each category of the cloud native landscape to a n ...
By serverless -
Why we decided to migrate our services running on docker containers to serverless stack using aws lambda functions and aws api gateway
By Rancher Labs -
This blog post describes an integration between AppDynamics for “full stack” monitoring from the application to the infrastructure and Rancher’s modern platform for Kubernetes “everywhere.”
By Medium -
IaaS, CaaS, PaaS, FaaS and SaaS are all different categories of cloud computing services. Cloud computing services help you offload/outsource management of your networking, storage, HVAC…
By Kubernetes -
Author: Chris Seto (Cockroach Labs)
As long as you're willing to follow the rules, deploying on Kubernetes and air travel can be quite pleasant. More often than not, things will "just work". However, ...
By GeekyAnts Tech Blog -
Hey guys, today we will deploy a NodeJS app on Amazon EKS using the cutting edge Docker & K8s in the DevOps sphere.
What is Docker?
Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping and running appl