How Zopa enhanced their fraud detection application using Amazon SageMaker Clarify

By Amazon Web Services - 2021-02-19


This post is co-authored by Jiahang Zhong, Head of Data Science at Zopa.  Zopa is a UK-based digital bank and peer to peer (P2P) lender. In 2005, Zopa launched the first ever P2P lending company to gi ...


  • This post is co-authored by Jiahang Zhong, Head of Data Science at Zopa.
  • To combat this, Zopa uses advanced ML models to flag suspicious applications for human review, while leaving the majority of genuine applications to be approved by the highly automated system.
  • SHAP values of individual predictions can be computed via a SageMaker Clarify processing job and made available to the underwriting team to understand individual predictions.
  • Zopa’s data scientists use an informative baseline sample from the population of past approved non-fraud applications, to explain why those flagged instances are considered suspicious by the model.



  1. Backend (0.22)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.18)
  3. NLP (0.16)

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