Being Chief Technology Officer: Lessons learned in my first year

By Shekhar Gulati - 2021-01-03


Happy New Year!2020 was a difficult year for most of us, as we fought with COVID-19 and came to terms with the remote way of working. It was a year when we had a lot more time in our hands as all o…


  • Being Chief Technology Officer: At this point, I usually think that they are either incompetent or lazy.
  • I hope they are lazy..
  • Similarly there are other situations where you could react or show displeasure but as I said the bar should be higher that this situation does not happen more than once a month.
  • But, don’t make promises If you read on the web on whether an engineering manager or a CTO should code, you will find that most of them advise against coding [5].



  1. Management (0.28)
  2. Frontend (0.13)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.11)

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