Critical Update: Why Having Artificial Intelligence Talent is a National Security Issue

By - 2021-01-05


Dr. José-Marie Griffiths discusses her work crafting workforce recommendations for Congress as part of her work with the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence.


  • For starters, the government doesn’t have a strong understanding of where AI capable personnel sit.
  • Dr. José-Marie Griffiths, president of Dakota State University and a member of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence, told Nextgov’s Critical Update podcast that beefing up the federal workforce’s AI capabilities is more than imperative—it’s an urgent national security concern.
  • And that means we can't wait several years to stand up new career fields, or educate our senior leaders or train our end-users, or we may find ourselves so far behind, it's difficult to catch up.
  • Griffiths also had words of advice for federal workers:



  1. Machine_Learning (0.16)
  2. Backend (0.11)
  3. Management (0.07)

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