Spring Data Neo4j - Developer Guides

By Neo4j Graph Database Platform - 2021-01-05


For Java developers who use the Spring Framework or Spring Boot and want to take advantage of reactive development principles, this guide introduces Spring integration through the Spring Data Neo4j pr ...


  • Spring Data Neo4j Goals For Java developers who use the Spring Framework or Spring Boot and want to take advantage of reactive development principles, this guide introduces Spring integration through the Spring Data Neo4j project.
  • This way, you can map differences between application entities and database domains.
  • Movie repository For our application, we need to interact with a Neo4j graph database, so we will create an interface that extends the repository for Neo4j.
  • We will also pass a title (a String) to the method because we want to allow the user to enter any movie title as the search value.



  1. Database (0.35)
  2. Backend (0.25)
  3. Frontend (0.08)

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