JupyterLab 3.0 is released!. The 3.0 release of JupyterLab brings

By Medium - 2021-01-05


The 3.0 release of JupyterLab brings many new features to users and substantial improvements to the extension system. (Note that many third-party extensions are still in the process of updating to be…


  • Installation (Note that many third-party extensions are still in the process of updating to be compatible with JupyterLab 3.0 — please check the extensions you use and be patient, or even better, help them update!)
  • Using the Table of Content in JupyterLab 3.0 Support for multiple display languages JupyterLab now provides the ability to set the display language of the user interface.
  • Improvements to the Simple Interface mode The Simple Interface mode (previously known as the Single-Document Mode) has been significantly updated to have a more streamlined, document-oriented feel.
  • For example, install the new ipywidgets 7.6.0 with pip or conda to automatically enable ipywidgets in both the classic Jupyter Notebook and in JupyterLab 3.0 — no extra installation step or JupyterLab rebuild needed!



  1. UX (0.28)
  2. NLP (0.22)
  3. Coding (0.15)

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