Giving feedback remotely

By Know Your Team | Blog - 2020-10-22


When you're remote, it's can be difficult to give honest feedback to your team. Here's how to deliver constructive feedback when you're working remotely.


  • Here are 5 practices for giving feedback remotely that help encourage behavior change even at a distance.
  • “ Others prefer the feedback is delivered face-to-face via video because they want to register the body language of the other person.
  • When we offer corrective feedback, as a manager, it’s easy to resort to a version of saying, “Stop doing A.
  • Start doing B.” We want to simply declare the new behavior to adopt, and then be on with it.
  • Of course, not all corrective feedback will neatly fit into this framework.



  1. Management (0.46)
  2. UX (0.12)
  3. NLP (0.05)

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