DevOps Needs Security Champions

By The New Stack - 2020-12-09


From developers to security pros to corporate leaders, professionals in the world of application security are facing questions around how they can effectively unite in the name of secure and better qu ...


  • From developers to security pros to corporate leaders, professionals in the world of application security are facing questions around how they can effectively unite in the name of secure and better quality software.
  • According to their findings, 77% of developers say this existing cultural divide cripples their ability to meet deadlines with quality software, while 70% of security professionals say this lack of alignment puts the security of applications at risk.
  • Instead, the presence of a dedicated security advocate can serve as a motivator for all teams to collaborate on deploying better, more secure software.
  • This effort by CISOs also includes helping to define security priorities, training professionals to assume the role, educating everyone on best practices and creating an essential framework where results matter and security is never second.



  1. Management (0.23)
  2. Backend (0.2)
  3. Security (0.13)

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