6 Development Insights to Empower IT Teams

By The New Stack - 2020-12-11


Read this post to learn what every IT Engineer needs to know about the software development process.


  • DevOps has transformed the way we think about the roles of the IT team.
  • Recognize Programming Languages Familiarizing yourself with the programming languages that your organization uses and the ways in which language design impacts the CI/CD process will help make you a better IT engineer, regardless of whether you ever write a line of code.
  • That’s why the IT team should know, at a minimum, which tools (check out our list of recommended tools) the developers use to build code, how long builds take, what can cause a build to fail, and whether it’s possible to build and deploy the application in parts rather than having to wait for a new release to complete entirely before the application can be deployed.
  • Optimize Software Testing Software testing is another key pre-deployment process that shapes how quickly and easily the IT team can expect new releases to be ready.



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