A tale of 2020 in 20 McKinsey charts

By McKinsey & Company - 2021-01-10


See the story of this unique year through McKinsey’s 20 best charts and data visualizations of 2020, from the early days of lockdowns and a tumultuous summer to a hopeful year end.


  • We use cookies essential for this site to function well.
  • Published in July) While the economic damage unleashed by the pandemic has been—and continues to be—significant, it’s dwarfed by the loss of life it caused and the toll it took on people’s happiness and mental health.
  • Published in June) Turning to the private sector, the effects of the pandemic were uneven across industries.
  • Published in November) Throughout the year, many questioned whether the world could control a pandemic while also addressing other global challenges, not least of which includes climate change.



  1. Management (0.25)
  2. Backend (0.11)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.1)

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