New deep learning models: Fewer neurons, more intelligence

By techxplore - 2020-10-14


Artificial intelligence has arrived in our everyday lives—from search engines to self-driving cars. This has to do with the enormous computing power that has become available in recent years. But new ...


  • New deep learning models: All signals received by the next cell are combined to decide whether this cell will become active as well.
  • Many hours of traffic videos of human driving in the greater Boston area were collected, and are fed into the network, together with information on how to steer the car in any given situation—until the system has learned to automatically connect images with the appropriate steering direction and can independently handle new situations.
  • Fewer neurons, more intelligence Note Your email address is used only to let the recipient know who sent the email.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.65)
  2. Backend (0.16)
  3. NLP (0.13)

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