Introduction to Machine Learning in C# with ML.NET

By Medium - 2020-05-27


When thinking of data science and machine learning, two programming languages, Python and R, immediately come to mind. These two languages have support for every common machine learning algorithm…


  • When thinking of data science and machine learning, two programming languages, Python and R, immediately come to mind.
  • Depending on your use-case you might need to also install some extra packages like Microsoft.
  • ML.TensorFlow or Microsoft.
  • Loading in a data-set and creating a data pipeline Loading in and preprocessing a data-set in ML.NET is quite different than when working with other machine learning packages/frameworks because it requires us to explicitly state the structure of our data.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.23)
  2. Backend (0.18)
  3. Coding (0.17)

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