React Hooks Cheatsheet: The 7 Hooks You Need To Know

By - 2021-02-08


This new tutorial will show you everything you need to know about React Hooks from scratch. I've put this cheatsheet together to help you become knowledgeable and effective with React Hooks as quickly ...


  • useState Hook useState to Create State Variables The useState hook allows us to create state variables in a React function component.
  • useEffect accepts a callback function (called the 'effect' function), which will by default run every time the component re-renders.
  • useContext Hook useContext Helps Us Avoid Prop Drilling In React, we want to avoid the following problem of creating multiple props to pass data down two or more levels from a parent component.



  1. Frontend (0.3)
  2. Backend (0.18)
  3. Coding (0.13)

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