Monte Carlo Methods and Simulations explained in real-life: modeling insomnia

By Medium - 2020-12-15


Monte Carlo Methods is a group of algorithms that simulate the behavior of complex systems using inferential statistics.


  • Monte Carlo Methods is a group of algorithms that simulate the behavior of a complex system, or probabilistic phenomena, using inferential statistics.
  • With enough computing power, you can run thousands, even millions, of experiments in a relative short time and in parallel.
  • At the end of the day, simulations help find the optimal trade-off between time to run your experiments, having faster cycles of iteration and achieving a volume of experiments that could be much difficult to manage and maintain if they were not computer simulations.
  • Tweaking the simulation This is a simulation, so you can refine your model any time you want 😀 All you need to do is change the inputs, in this case, the probabilities of the events that lead you to drink more coffee.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.19)
  2. NLP (0.08)
  3. Backend (0.04)

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