Preventing Developer Burnout in the Age of Rapid Software Delivery

By The New Stack - 2020-11-24


"Burnout" happens across all jobs and industries, especially tech. However, developers have always been particularly at-risk of falling victim to burning out, and the COVID-19 pandemic, and the result ...


  • “Burnout” happens across all jobs and industries, especially tech.
  • If you provide your developers with the proper training to think about security from the beginning stages, you have the ability to curb stress later on by minimizing the chance of major vulnerabilities.
  • Just as self-driving cars are no longer an abstract thought of the future, key functions within the developer role and the AST tools they use are now being automated to make security simpler.
  • Modern automation tools create a seamless way for developers to catch and fix vulnerabilities during the earliest coding phase.



  1. Management (0.36)
  2. Backend (0.16)
  3. Security (0.11)

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