Integrate Trained Machine Learning Model into API in Just 15 mins

By Medium - 2020-12-14


How to deploy a trained sentiment analysis machine learning model to a REST API using Microsoft ML.NET and ASP.NET Core, in just 15 mins.


  • How to deploy a trained sentiment analysis machine learning model to a REST API using Microsoft ML.NET and ASP.NET Core, in just 15 mins.
  • Note x is your single feature and is your data point, so the value of x will not be contained in the model artifacts.
  • ML NuGet package and also the relevant package for your algorithm used.
  • The “comment” is used to build an input for our sentiment analysis model, and the singleton instance of ConsumeModel, _consumeModel, is used for prediction.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.2)
  2. NLP (0.17)
  3. Backend (0.11)

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