Where Programming, Ops, AI, and the Cloud are Headed in 2021

By O’Reilly Media - 2021-01-25


Following O'Reilly online learning trends to see what's coming next.


  • In this report, we look at the data generated by the O’Reilly online learning platform to discern trends in the technology industry—trends technology leaders need to follow.
  • Dynamic versus static typing This is another important paradigmatic axis.
  • But users will search for content whether or not it exists, so the small number of searches shows that most of our users aren’t yet aware of the problem.
  • Tools for automating AI and machine learning development (IBM’s AutoAI, Google’s Cloud AutoML, Microsoft’s AutoML, and Amazon’s SageMaker) have gotten a lot of press attention in the past year, but we don’t see any signs that they’re making a significant dent in the market.



  1. Backend (0.59)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.27)
  3. NLP (0.16)

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