Neo4j Introduces Aura Enterprise Cloud Database for High Performance Graph Applications

By EnterpriseAI - 2021-01-27


SAN MATEO, Calif., Jan. 27, 2021 -- Neo4j, a leader in graph technology, announced today the general availability of Neo4j Aura Enterprise, Neo4j’s fully


  • Aura Enterprise radically speeds time to value, enabling customers to get to production faster than the equivalent on-premises option.
  • Neo4j Aura Enterprise is the most deployed and trusted graph technology platform according to the company, explicitly engineered for cloud-native enterprise projects.
  • The report states, “Because of greater accessibility of graph-based tools and cloud computing, finding relationships in data using graph algorithms and techniques is now possible at scale.
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  1. Database (0.46)
  2. Backend (0.34)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.14)

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