From Exec Roles to Board Seats — Lessons for the Startup C-Suite from Zendesk, Guru, eBay, & More

By firstround - 2021-02-24


Anne Raimondi has led teams at SurveyMonkey, Zendesk, Guru, and eBay, in addition to sitting on the board for Asana, Patreon and Gusto. Here, she shares her most critical leadership lessons for scalin ...


  • Across her impressive career in tech, Anne Raimondi’s trajectory includes pit stops at some of the most interesting companies around.
  • Giving input, seeing output and getting updates on their progress — then it becomes less of a wait-and-see, sitting on the sidelines evaluating if this person's going to be successful.
  • Some that I've seen high failure around is that the exec has been exceptionally successful at their last place.
  • From a pre-public company perspective, if you're spending a lot of your board meeting doing just updates and readouts, you're probably not getting the most out of that time.



  1. Management (0.42)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.08)
  3. NLP (0.06)

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