10 technical strategies to avoid when scaling your startup (and 5 to embrace

By Inside Intercom - 2021-01-12


When building your technical strategy, you need to assess each component in relation to what success will look like for your business.


  • From premature optimization to over-engineering solutions for your product, it’s easy to get caught up in making technology decisions that slow you down instead of speeding you up.
  • You should optimize globally, and that means using the tools you’re already using” Even in the cloud, adding new technology to your stack can be a distraction.
  • Microservices cause undifferentiated heavy lifting Similar to Kubernetes, unless your team already has a lot of experience with microservices, most startups shouldn’t go near them.
  • In my experience, this can be really effective.



  1. Backend (0.51)
  2. Management (0.29)
  3. Security (0.06)

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