Leading Former Peers: 27 Tips, Tactics, and Techniques

By RapidStart Leadership - 2021-01-14


Leading former peers is one of the most common and most difficult things we'll face as leaders; here are 27 ways to make it a little easier.


  • Leading Former Peers: And importantly, what will get them to listen to us without our having to resort to the power card, “because I said so?” As a friend, we might let it slide when someone is late, does shoddy work, or ignores policy, but if we allow that as a boss, the team’s respect for us will fade as quickly as our own frustration will grow.
  • Writers at Lighthouse expand on this to say that this can also be a great olive branch for someone who is disappointed that they didn’t get the promotion.



  1. Management (0.43)
  2. NLP (0.1)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.09)

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