Progressive Web Apps in

By firt - 2021-02-16


The current status of the PWA platform, abilities, compatibility, app store distribution, PWA market share and more insights about the state of the platform


  • The Progressive Web App term is now five years old, and it's time to sit down and understand where we are at 2021 within the platform, what has changed during 2020 and what we are expecting for the upcoming months.
  • That doesn't mean that these companies are promoting using the PWA outside of the browser.
  • This dialog is for all Safari and PWAs, not per website For all websites and PWAs, the app is "Safari," so if your PWA relies on the user's geolocation and the user grants you permission, the location you will get is precise or approximate based on what the user picked the first time she was asked when using Safari.
  • The relationship with the web community is tense.



  1. Mobile (0.43)
  2. Frontend (0.25)
  3. Backend (0.14)

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