Beware: New Matryosh DDoS Botnet Targeting Android-Based Devices

By The Hacker News - 2021-02-05


New Matryosh DDoS Botnet Targeting Android-Based Devices


  • A nascent malware campaign has been spotted co-opting Android devices into a botnet with the primary purpose of carrying out distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks.
  • This is not the first time a botnet has taken advantage of ADB to infect vulnerable devices.
  • But what makes Matryosh stand out is its use of Tor to mask its malicious activity and funnel commands from an attacker-controlled server through the network.
  • Netlab researchers said the emerging botnet's command format and its use of TOR C2 are highly similar to that of another botnet called LeetHozer that's developed by the Moobot group. "



  1. Mobile (0.43)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.09)
  3. Security (0.07)

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