Material Theming with MDC: Color. Color theming on Android using the MDC

By Medium - 2020-09-01


Material Theming is a way to customize Material Components to align with your brand. A Material theme includes color, typography and shape parameters which you can adjust to get near-infinite…


  • Material Theming with MDC: Material color tool (left) and Material palette generator (right) Things to consider You almost always want to override colorPrimary, colorSecondary and their variants, unless your brand happens to use the exact same purple/teal hex values as the baseline Material Theme.
  • Despite being separate attributes, there’s an inherent link between a color, its variant (if one exists) and its “On” color (eg.
  • Build a Material Theme Build a Material Theme is an interactive Android project that lets you create your own Material theme by customizing values for color, typography, and shape.



  1. Mobile (0.39)
  2. UX (0.14)
  3. Frontend (0.1)

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