Data Augmentation for Brain-Computer Interface

By Medium - 2021-03-22


Despite significant progress in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), many issues remain associated with collecting Electroencephalography (EEG) signals in real-world environments. This situation makes it…


  • New Business applications combined with Brain-computer interface and Generative Adversarial networks Despite significant progress in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), many issues remain associated with collecting Electroencephalography (EEG) signals in real-world environments.
  • In this article, I’ll explain the issue of creating enough training data in the context of non-invasive BCIs and present a non-exhaustive list of data augmentation techniques for EEG datasets.
  • BCI & Data Acquisition Brain-computer interface (BCI) systems are designed to connect the brain and external devices for several use cases.
  • However, unlike images, EEG is a collection of noisy, non-stationary time-series from different electrodes.



  1. Backend (0.37)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.27)
  3. Database (0.18)

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