The Evolution of Facial Recognition — A Case Study in the Transformation of Deep Learning

By Medium - 2021-03-23


Machine learning has often been described as the study of “algorithms that create algorithms”. To a certain extent, this is true — machine learning finds the best model to fit the data. It is the…


  • Humans domain knowledge ceases to be useful Machine learning has often been described as the study of “algorithms that create algorithms”.
  • Facial recognition is a particularly interesting, since it would seem that — contrary to the “human knowledge is not useful” assumption — humans can “help” the deep learning model.
  • Frontalization is helpful to the model.
  • There is less reliance on preprocessing and postprocessing, and instead greater trust that the model, given the right framing of the task, can go farther than any human can.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.58)
  2. Backend (0.27)
  3. NLP (0.25)

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