Novel Road Traffic Anomaly Metric Based on Speed Transition Matrices

By Medium - 2021-03-14


Method for traffic anomaly detection using STM is presented. A novel distance metric is proposed because standard metrics are inapplicable for the anomaly detection when using the STM.


  • A novel approach for measuring the anomaly level on the road networks using GPS traffic data Speed Transition Matrix (STM)[1] is a novel traffic data technique used for traffic-related analysis.
  • In this article, the method for traffic anomaly detection using STM is presented.
  • Comparison of the proposed metric with other common metrics (Image by: The proposed metric based on the distance between the COMs of the observed STM and the median STM, which represents the normal traffic conditions, is presented.



  1. Security (0.25)
  2. Backend (0.14)
  3. NLP (0.1)

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