The secret to analysing large, complex datasets quickly and productively? Constraint

By Medium - 2021-03-01


TL:DR: Sometimes you have so much data you can waste hours exploring without answering the important questions. I share tips on how to analyse large complex datasets productively by constraining…


  • Sometimes you have so much data you can waste hours exploring without answering the important questions.
  • They may be able to advise what in the data is interesting and what isn’t.
  • Keep detailed notes of what you tryWith so many t-tests and regression models flying about, you might end up forgetting you ran some analysis previously and end up running it again!
  • Any data stuff not done after this time will have to wait for another day.



  1. Backend (0.36)
  2. Database (0.2)
  3. Security (0.11)

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