New chapter on (in) Rubin’s Theory of Potential Outcomes

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-18


Judea Pearl (left) and Donald Rubin (right). The 2  fathers of PO. (Photo shot in 2014 and pilfered by me from The Book of Why , by Judea Pearl.) I am happy…


  • Judea Pearl (left) and Donald Rubin (right).
  • The 2 fathers of PO.
  • ( Photo shot in 2014 and pilfered by me from "The Book of Why", by Judea Pearl.)
  • My presentation of PO theory is unusual in that I use copiously something that I call the imagine operator.



  1. Management (0.08)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.08)
  3. NLP (0.02)

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