Exterior Product. Why Linear Algebra may not be last

By Medium - 2021-03-19


After working with Linear Algebra for a while, you start to forget that some small stuff doesn’t really make sense. The zigzaggy pattern is at first confusing but you’re told to rest assured. You can…


  • Cross Product But for some mysterious reason, the cross product is only defined on ℝ³.
  • 🤔 Consider that when you work with any sort of dataset you’re dealing with dimensions much larger than ℝ³, so why is that you see inner products all over deep learning code but not so much the cross product even though it does compute something useful.
  • Area(a,b) = -Area(b,a) 2.
  • Area(a, b + c) = Area(a,b) + Area(a,c) Now if we rename Area(a,b) to a ∧ b you’ll see how the Area of a parallelogram is just a special application of the wedge product a ∧ b =-b ∧ a 2.
  • (



  1. Machine_Learning (0.21)
  2. NLP (0.12)
  3. Security (0.08)

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