Not Everything Needs to be “AI”

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-21


Rohit Prasad, head scientist for Alexa, recently published an article questioning whether the Turing Test is still a relevant benchmark for evaluating our pro…


  • Rohit Prasad, head scientist for Alexa, recently published an articlequestioning whether the Turing Test is still a relevant benchmark for evaluating our progress in artificial intelligence.
  • If pushed to define intelligence and design a test that clearly distinguishes it, we have not historically done well finding the crux of our conscious existence.
  • To be fair, solving the Turing Test isn’t an active pursuit for most AI researchers, and much simpler, more directed benchmarks likeSQuaDandSuperGLUEdelineate the limitations of our current approaches and drive innovation.
  • They’re failing because we can produce some aspects of intelligence, but not all of them.



  1. Machine_Learning (0.22)
  2. UX (0.1)
  3. NLP (0.1)

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