Connecting RStudio To Amazon Redshift

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-21


In this document, we will discuss about the steps to be followed along with the necessary libraries and code chunks needed to establish the connectivity from…


  • In this document, we will discuss about the steps to be followed along with the necessary libraries and code chunks needed to establish the connectivity from R to S3 using aws roles and between R and Redshift using jdbc drivers.
  • In order to append the above file with new set of data (by default the files will be replaced/rewritten), we need to read the entire content into a variable in R and append the dataframe in R session itself and then write back to S3 with the same file name.
  • Actually, it is a workaround to simulate the append scenario on S3 files.
  • Copy all the smaller files from s3 to Redshift using COPY command.



  1. Backend (0.41)
  2. Database (0.17)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.1)

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