Python Rest API Example. Let’s assume that we are very good at

By Medium - 2021-03-17


Let’s assume that we are very good at creating machine learning models and we can create many different and interesting projects. What’s the next step? How can we share our knowledge with the rest…


  • Python Rest API Example Share your ideas using Flask, the most popular framework for Data Scientists Let’s assume that we are very good at creating machine learning models and we can create many different and interesting projects.
  • The if statement is for those who will call the API as a POST method so it can return a warning.
  • Finally, we can run the file to test it locally.
  • To add our variable(image URL) in the API’s URL, we have to add it at the end like follows ?



  1. Frontend (0.2)
  2. Coding (0.12)
  3. Backend (0.11)

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