Tree-Boosting for Spatial Data

By Medium - 2021-03-20


Combining gradient tree-boosting with Gaussian process models for modeling spatial data using GPBoost (Machine Learning; Spatial Statistics; Data Science; Artificial Intelligence; XGBoost; LightGBM)


  • GPBoost: The GPBoost algorithm is a boosting algorithm that iteratively learns the covariance parameters (aka hyperparameters) of the Gaussian process and adds a tree to the ensemble of trees using a gradient and/or a Newton boosting step which accounts for the spatial correlation.
  • In the GPBoost library, covariance parameters can be learned using (Nesterov accelerated) gradient descent or Fisher scoring (aka natural gradient descent), and trees are learned using the LightGBM library.
  • The GPBoost algorithm allows for relaxing this assumption in a flexible manner.



  1. Backend (0.29)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.28)
  3. NLP (0.13)

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