Multivariate Outlier Detection in Python

By Medium - 2021-03-20


Application on how to detect outliers in multivariate data with Mahalanobis distance in Python.


  • Multivariate Outliers and Mahalanobis Distance in Python Detecting outliers in multivariate data can often be one of the challenges of the data preprocessingphase.
  • In this article, we will be discussing the distance metric called Mahalanobis Distance for detecting outliers in multivariable data.
  • We also need a degree of freedom value for Chi-Square, and it is equal to the number of variables in our data-set, so 2.
  • We also have applied the Mahalanobis Distance formula on Python from scratch.



  1. Backend (0.33)
  2. Database (0.16)
  3. Coding (0.15)

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