Data Science Job Market Shrinking? Not So Fast

By datasciencecentral - 2021-03-22


Recent news reports highlight a shrinking job market for data scientists Faulty data analysis seems to be behind the headlines Tips to avoid common mistakes i…


  • Some alarming headlines emerged this week regarding the state of data science jobs.
  • The Data Science Job Market is Shrinking!"
  • But it shouldn't be up to me, the viewer, to make that assumption.
  • To be fair, the article's authors don't claim that their survey reflects the entire state of the data science hiring industry, but with a headline like 2021 Data Science & Analytics Hiring Survey Results Q1 and Q2 one is led to believe that their survey represents more than just a small sliver of businesses.



  1. Database (0.34)
  2. Backend (0.28)
  3. Machine_Learning (0.13)

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