I figured out how Deal or No Deal works (kind of

By Medium - 2021-03-19


I have reason to believe I’m currently in possession of the largest Deal or No Deal dataset outside of NBC’s studios. Using this vast wealth of data, I’m starting to unravel this show.


  • ) Watch out, Banker This is part three of a ??
  • Offer Percentage of the Expected Value (Y) vs Round (X) We can see a pretty clear upward trend, but it’s still a bit chaotic seeing every single game overlap.
  • Initially, I wondered whether the Banker was just a producer with an Excel sheet, crunching numbers and deterministically spitting out offers, but it’s clear that whether it’s a producer or the actor playing the Banker, someone is pulling the strings and making unique offers (at least during normal play).
  • In this chart, zero means that someone took the best offer of their game.



  1. Backend (0.28)
  2. Machine_Learning (0.16)
  3. Database (0.1)

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